Monday, July 21, 2014

Sydney's Turning 4!

Sydney at the zoo

My little sister is growing up. Ok, so the kid is still going to be in preschool next year, but it is crazy. These past four years seem like a blur. It pains me that I missed out on so much of her third year, but this summer has more than made up for it. We have spent so much time together that I have not been able to keep up with this blog, like I thought I would.

In these past couple months we have visited the zoo, splashed around at the beach, and played hide-and-go-seek so many times that the game has actually become who-can-find-the-most-creative-spot-in-the-house. And by that I mean Sydney usually yells "yoo-hoo" if I am taking too long or gets scared if she can't find me. It's a good time.

In honor of her turning four, I thought I would share a few things about her in groups of four.

Four favorites of Sydney:
  1. Her favorite color is red.
  2. Her favorite movie is Frozen.
  3. Her favorite food is cherries. 
  4. Her favorite flowers are roses.
Four Sydney obsessions:
  1. Flowers. This kid is crazy about flowers. She is obsessed with picking them, smelling them, and saying "Can we buy these for Mommy? She would really like these."
  2. Cookies. She is always in the mood for chocolate chip cookies. Nighttime, daytime, before breakfast, after breakfast, she is always ready for them. "Can we makes cookies?" is a phrase often heard in our household. 
  3.  Playing. So obviously kids like "playing", whatever that might mean. Whenever I called Sydney from college I would ask what she was doing; the answer was always "playing". She is constantly asking me to "play with her." The other day I told her I had to do other stuff besides play with her sometimes. She snarkily replied, "What if I said, 'I don't want to play with you right now, Taylor'?"
  4. Roar. When we're in the car Sydney asks to hear, "Eye of the Tiger". But what she really means is Katy Perry's "Roar." She doesn't know much of the song, but she often sings "I've got the eye of the tiger. The fire. Dancing through the fire." It's pretty cute. 
Four Pictures of Sydney:
"Look Taylor, I'm a bat!"
"You can't see me!"

Sydney being a manikin
"Take a picture of me and Elle."

Being a big sister is kind of cool or something.

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